How Does The 14-Month Premier Home Warranty Work?
- Have Semper Fi Home Inspections complete your home inspection.
- Request the 14-Month Home Warranty from Residential Warranty Services (best coverage available on the market today).
- At the time of purchase, TWO FREE months will be added to the warranty term just because the home was inspected by Us = 14 Month Home Warranty for the price of 12!
*If We do not inspect the home, a 12 Month Simple Home Warranty is still available.
The 14-Month Home Warranty has the absolute broadest coverage for the longest term on the market today and is the least expensive warranty option on a per month basis. Get the best home warranty available and request the 14-Month Home Warranty for your real estate transaction.
Request Our 14-Month Premier Home Warranty and get 14 months of coverage for the price of 12 months.
If We do the home inspection, 2 FREE months are added to the warranty term = 14 Month Home Warranty.
More Reasons to Choose the 14-Month Premier Home Warranty:
1. Unlimited number of HVAC units, water heaters, kitchen appliances, etc. are covered. Other warranties will upcharge for additional systems and appliances. Watch out for upcharges with other warranties and make sure all of your systems and appliances are covered.
2. Underground sewer and water lines are covered. No other warranty offers this coverage.
3. Roof leaks covered at no extra charge. Other warranties will upcharge for roof leak coverage.
4. Choose your own contractor for warranty repairs if you desire. Most warranties make you use their contractor.
5. No “pre-existing condition” excuses to avoid coverage if we inspect the property and find the item in question to be in working order at that time.
6. Simple square footage pricing model with no add-on fees.
7. If a claim is ever denied and is verified to be eligible on another warranty contract, the claim will be paid or a 100% premium refund provided.
8. Sump and sewage pumps covered at no extra charge.
9. Washers and dryers covered at no extra charge.
10. Alarm systems covered at no extra charge.
11. Refrigerator ice makers covered at no extra charge.
12. Garage door hinges and springs covered at no
extra charge.
13. Coverage can be added for mold growth.
14. Coverage can be added for pool/spa and septictank pumping.
15. Exterior hose faucets covered at no extra charge.
16. Free listing coverage, including HVAC, if you are the seller of a property. Other warranties upcharge for this coverage.
17. The Simple Home Warranty is backed by a national home warranty company and provides coverage in all 50 states.
18. Peace of Mind!

Home Warranty Order Instructions
Please make sure you read all of the information below PRIOR to clicking on the Order Button.
Once you are on the Order Form, you will have to start over if you click the “Back” button to review this information.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Only homes inspected by Semper Fi Home Inspections qualify for the 14 Month “Premier Home Warranty” with the free 2 months of extra coverage. All other homes can only qualify for the 12 Month “Simple Home Warranty”.
Optional Coverage Items That Can Be Added To The Warranty:
Service Call Fee Option: All home warranties have a service call fee or “deductible”. You can choose whether you would prefer a $99 service call fee or $75 service call fee. The price of the warranty increases $75 for the reduced service call fee. This is a $75 one-time increase in the initial cost with a $75 reduced service call fee for the duration of the warranty (no matter how many claims!).
Mold Option: This option includes visible mold growth coverage and will cover the remediation of any new visible mold up to $2000. This option adds $85 to the initial cost of the warranty.
Pool and Spa Coverage: This option covers the mechanical components of in-ground pools and spas. This option adds $185 to the initial cost of the warranty.
Septic Tank Pumping Coverage: This option covers one septic tank pumping in case of failure due to a full septic tank. This option adds $45 to the initial cost of the warranty.
Simple Home Warranty Pricing – Pricing Is The Same For The 12-Month Simple And 14-Month Premier Warranty**
*Sq Ft must include basement (even if unfinished)
*Condos and Townhomes – reduce fee by $20
**Semper Fi Home Inspections must complete a home inspection in order for the property to qualify for the 14 month home warranty.